Professional Voicemail Greeting
for your Telstra Message Bank.

Why use a Professional Voicemail Greeting?
“Thanks for calling ABC Plumbing, unfortunately you’ve called outside of our Business Hours or we can’t get to the phone right now. Please leave us your name and number……..”
Don’t lose prospects
Get your callers to leave their contact details so you can follow up with a call back.
Sound Big & Build Trust
Reassure your callers and build trust in your brand with an unbeatable welcoming friendly trusting voice.
Increase Your Sales
By reducing caller hang ups and providing outstanding customer service
Save Time
Leave your Greeting to us – we are the experts. Delivered ready for your phone system in 3 days.
How it works.
We record and deliver you a Voicemail Greeting with your preferred voice in our studio for only $99.

Listen to Voice Demos below and pick your preferred voice, submit voicing script & enter contact details.

Following payment, get your Professional Voicemail Greeting within 3 working days, and we can record it into your Message Bank Voicemail for you from our studio – at no extra charge.
Pick Your Voice
Listen to audio demos below and pick your preferred voice.
Happy customers.

These guys are so quick and easy to work with! Once we hit the go button, we had the voiceovers by the next day!

The voiceovers are perfect and don’t require any changes. Thank you for the professional work once again.

Very efficient, professional and friendly. The ideas they added to our script were great!
Buy Now
Get your Message Bank Voicemail Greeting now – only $99.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it only $99 AUD?
We hope you’ll consider getting On Hold Music / Messaging and other services from us in future too.
Recording into Message Bank?
As long as you can provide us your Telstra Phone Number and Message Bank Voicemail Password, we will record it in from our professional studio.
What voice can I pick?
You can pick any of the voices from the above, or if you want another accent – ask us as we have more than 120 Voices available in various accents.
Sure thing! Request such above and we will quote that up for you.
Professionals in Voiceovers for Business Phone Systems worldwide. With over 6 years experience and hundreds of clients.
Whats the catch?
There is none. The only thing to know is there is a maximum of 1 per company at this $49 deal.
Ohvo. Ensure your brand has a sound that sells with a warm, friendly and Professional Voicemail Greeting. Get yours today.

Copyright 2024, Ohvo - On Hold Voice Overs.